Soilworx: Proud Sponsor of the WaterAid Victoria Gala Ball 2024

For over 30 years Soilworx has been supplying foundational materials to the water utilities industry. We recognise the industry’s vital role in creating the infrastructure that enables clean and safe drinking water while managing wastewater and sewage. This industry is crucial for public health, environmental protection, and our quality of life. At Soilworx we recognise that not all people have access to clean water and sanitation and this is at the root cause of disease and suffering in less fortunate countries and communities. This year, we are delighted to announce our Gold Sponsorship of the WaterAid Gala Ball. Soilworx is passionate about supporting WaterAid’s vision: a world where everyone, everywhere, has safe and sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene. We recognise that many people worldwide still lack these essential services, and we want to contribute to positive change.

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By championing WaterAid’s mission, we align our values with pursuing a better future. Soilworx is not just about supplying materials; we are invested in building a better world. 1300 7645 9679