Powering Success, One Delivery at a Time!
Armed with a fleet of over 500 Tipper trucks, SubTrux is the engine empowering Soilworx to deliver foundational materials to various construction projects across Victoria. We've delivered millions of tonnes of gravels, sands, soils, and compactable fill to projects including the Metro Tunnel, Docklands High Rise developments, various commercial factories and estates, and even the iconic Footscray Football Club. What sets Soilworx apart is not just the volume of materials delivered but the efficiency, reliability and transparency provided through the technology of SubTrux delivery management software. We are able to supply and scale our deliveries with ease. While most are asking, "Where is my delivery?", you will be asking "How do they do it?" Want to find out more? Contact Soilworx today to find out just how we deliver every time on time. 1300 7645 9679 https://www.soilworx.com.au