SoilWorx Blog and News

In the world of construction, quality and compliance are non-negotiable. We understand the importance of materials that meet your project specifications and regulatory requirements. At Soilworx, we take pride in delivering raw materials that not only meet but exceed quality standards. Our commitment to excellence ensures you get consistent, high-quality materials for your projects, every time. Your construction projects deserve the best, and that's what Soilworx delivers. Build with confidence, get your foundation material to help you build your business with Soilworx. Get in touch today +61 3 9361 1300 one of our team would be happy to help.

We proudly have almost 30 years experience in the sector, partnering with major water utility providers and service contractors across Melbourne metro and regional areas. Sometimes underestimated the water and supply industry is responsible for providing clean and safe drinking water as well as managing the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater and sewage, the water sector is essential for public health, environmental protection and overall quality of life. To date we've supplied millions of tonnes of road base and pipe bedding materials for new housing estates, major new infrastructure projects and existing suburbs that require major upgrades - all meeting WSAA compliant specifications. Our diversity of product offering and sourcing ability coupled with our intimate understanding of highly detailed material specifications - keep us top of mind in supporting the Industry. Furthermore we are proud to help our customers to get exactly what they need, when

Working together to protect workers’ mental health. At Soilworx, we firmly believe that safety is never compromised and protecting our workers' mental (psychological) health is just as vital as safeguarding their physical well-being. We understand that feeling like a valued part of a team is at the heart of our culture, even in roles that often require working independently. Our collective commitment to achieving a common goal hinges on each team member fulfilling their role. We take pride in our open communication and support for one another. We consistently ask, "Are you okay?" because we genuinely care about the well-being of our team. These conversations are essential in fostering a workplace where mental health and psychological wellness are valued. It's all part of the Soilworx culture; we're proud to share it. If you're interested in discussing how we can help you build your business based on our values

After nearly four decades of dedicated service, it was time to look within and re-align our brand to reflect our customer's successes and celebrate the journey to date. At Soilworx, we thrive on pushing boundaries and reshaping the industry to serve our customers and partners better. This brand refresh helps us to align with our commitment to stay at the forefront of innovation. The story of Soilworx began in the mid-'80s as a small family-run business selling topsoil door-to-door around Melbourne with a single truck. Today (and still proudly a family business), we have over 100 staff, a quarry, three locations, a fleet of vehicles and SubTrux. This intelligent transport platform unlocks the potential of hundreds more. To date, we have supplied over 60 million tonnes of quality soils, sands, gavels, rocks, mulches, pebbles and more to thousands of projects across Victoria. We supply materials for everything